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Getting Started

React Ethooks can be installed to any React project using any npm package manager.


React Ethooks depends on ethers library. So you must also install ethers.js library.


yarn add @incirlabs/react-ethooks ethers

Quick Start

Wrap your root component in EthooksProvider and pass your provider.

In this case, we are using Web3Provider from ethers library.

import {EthooksProvider} from '@incirlabs/react-ethooks';
import {ethers} from 'ethers';
import {useMemo} from 'react';

export default function Main() {
// NOTE: "any" is required as the chain argument to ethers provider.
// Since we are using EthooksProvider to handle network changes, this is not a problem.
const provider = useMemo(() => new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum, 'any'), []);

return (
<EthooksProvider provider={provider}>
<App />

We can now connect to a wallet and use it to sign transactions.

const {connect, loading, error} = useConnect();

const onConnectButtonPress = async () => {
const address = await connect();

That's all! You can now use React Ethooks in your React project.