📄️ useSigner
Returns the current signer.
📄️ useProvider
Returns the provider passed to the EthooksProvider.
📄️ useAccount
Returns the address and ensName of the currently connected account
📄️ useAccountChange
Hook to listen for the accounts change event.
📄️ useBalance
Returns the balance of the currently connected account or the given address.
📄️ useConnect
Used to connect to the wallet.
📄️ useContract
Returns an ethers.Contract instance.
📄️ useContractEvent
Listens to events emitted by a contract.
📄️ useContractRead
Returns a function to execute a view function on a contract.
📄️ useContractStaticCall
Returns a function to static call a function on a contract.
📄️ useContractWrite
Returns a function to execute a state mutating function on a contract.
📄️ useEnsAddress
Returns the address of the given ENS name.
📄️ useEnsName
Returns the ENS name of the given address.
📄️ useEnsResolver
Returns an EnsResolver instance which can be used to further inquire about specific entries for an ENS name.
📄️ useEnsText
Returns the stored EIP-634 text (or any other non-standard text) entry for the given text key.
📄️ useERC20
Returns a ERC20 Contract instance and a bunch of other useful functions from contract address.
📄️ useERC20Balance
Returns the balance of the currently connected account or the given address for the ERC20 token.
📄️ useBlockNumber
Used to get the latest received block number.
📄️ useNetwork
Returns the current network. You can also pass a callback to be run when the network changes.